Monday, June 16: 41:10 , 4.5 mi (9:08 / mi); Quick evening tempo run on trails. Feeling good!
Wednesday, June 18: 2 hours, 12.0 mi (10:00 / mi); 7.75 miles at tempo in the afternoon on Hyland Park trails in 1:12:35 (9:21/mile), 3.25 miles easy on the same trails, including an additional climb up the ski hill, 1 mile cool-down. One of the warmer days I've run and I felt kinda slow and crappy at first, but eventually found my groove.
Thursday, June 19: 1 hour, 6.4 mi (9:23 / mi); Easy morning run through the 'burbs.
Saturday, June 21: 4 hours, 19.3 mi (12:26 / mi); Recon run of the Afton Trail 25K/50K course and a few extra miles. Felt pretty tired and maybe bonked halfway thru the run, but kept on going. Good heat and dehydration run. I definitely need more hillwork. Saw Julie, Carl, and Maria walking up a hill towards the parking lot (I managed a starstruck "Hi" to them all), saw Tom on the trails, and chatted briefly with Nancy on the trail as well. Kinda bummed I didn't realize there was a group hanging out together in the parking lot, including Keith and Alicia. It would have been a great opportunity to introduce myself and get to know everybody.
Sunday, June 22: 2 hours, 12.2 mi (9:50 / mi); 1.3 mile warm-up, 9.6 miles on trails in 1:32:00 (9:35 pace), 1.3 mile cool-down. Ran all of the hills!! Great follow up effort from yesterday's 4-hour punishment at Afton. Took no water or food on this run too. Nice confidence booster!
Weekly mileage = 54.4 miles; Much, much better than last week!! (Pats self on back)
A very solid week of training for a change. The runs in the heat and on the hills will get me better prepared for Afton, which I think is going to be a long day.
The Standard Training Model
1 week ago
You should have totally swung by! Congrats on the good mileage week!
I think I'm going to have to start running the Afton course in reverse just so I can meet up with everyone. Seems like a lot of us were out there, but I only ran into Steve Q.
The humidity is starting to creep up today - starting to feel like Afton race weather ;)
No need to be starstruck by a bunch of tired, smelly ultrarunners. Just tag along next time; you're more than welcome.
Nice weekly mileage! And a good run at Afton followed by another good effort the next day.
You'll be in good shape for Afton.
Thanks for the comment on my blog and for responding to the tag. I'm pretty sore this week but what a feeling!
Great week of training! I'll keep checking in to the blog!
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