Well, just when things seem to be coming together, life came along and kicked me in the nuts. As many of you may know, I had been struggling with foot problems since Zumbro. I managed to get through that, but was waysided by another foot/ankle problem that cropped up at Kettle. I spent the next 10 days after that focusing on healing and getting healthy, which I've accomplished. I've been having awesome runs lately and feeling super-motivated for Superior Sawtooth.
The other part of the story regards my wife. She's been chronically ill since last October. In December she had her gall bladder removed and this past May she had another surgery. During most of this time she's been on short term disability, which has been a huge financial burden for us. Well, the past month or so she's finally made significant progress in her recovery and today was her first day back to work in months. Unfortunately, the day ended prematurely as she was told this afternoon by her supervisor that she was being laid off.
So, back we go to being extremely broke and consequently, my season is in jeopardy for financial reasons. I had plans to attend the beta run with Julie Berg and folks in a few weeks, but will now have to cancel that. Hopefully, my wife will get lucky and find something soon. On the plus side, her employer did give her 2 weeks notice and a small severance package. So, she'll have a couple weeks of full pay coming plus another lump sum (half of which will be taken by taxes - BOOOO!!!)
In the meantime, I'll keep training, because after all, training is free and it's been going really well as of late. Anyway, looks like another one of life's challenges I'll have to face and get through. I hope everyone else is having a great summer and enjoying good health. See ya on the trails!!
1 day ago
Sorry to hear she is in that situation. What is her background in case I hear of something? That is not often but the more ears we have out there always seems to help.
Great attitude toward a tough situation, hope things improve quickly! Best of luck to both of you.
Seems like things always go wrong in clusters. I know the money crunch of racing all too well; I'm planning a major cut-back after this season, but I'm looking forward to beating you at Superior (have I ever finished in front of you???)
Sorry to hear that your wife lost her job. As long as your wife and your boy remain healthy, take life as it comes.
Adapt, Persevere, and Overcome.
I received the same notice a few months back, but I am blessed with health.
That's a kick in the cajones when there is an illness battle.
The stuff I learn and adapt to in ultra running helps me get through the uncertainty of finding a new job.
Getting laid off is like hitting that "funk" in a race when there is still 40+ miles left.
Like Mitch said. Adapt, Persevere, and Overcome. 90 percent of this country can't do those 3. The other 10 percent are screwballs like us.
God Bless.
Sorry to hear this Steve.
You can still come run with us in the fall and I still won't charge you a dime.
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